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Summer Fun! How to Organize a Neighborhood Waterslide Party

There’s a lot of planning and work that goes into any party and that multiplies when organizing a neighborhood-based event. The following are some tips for ensuring party success.

Plan Early

There’s no guarantee that the weather will cooperate, but choose the day at least three months in advance. That gives you time to schedule your waterslide rental. Waterslides are often spoken for months in advance. It’s especially important if you have a specific theme in mind.
There will certainly be a permit required and an accompanying fee that must be paid. Be sure to check your homeowner’s insurance to see if any injuries or damages will be covered for the event.

Examine the Budget

The cost of a neighborhood pool party can quickly get out of hand. You’ll need to know if you’ll be paying for the entire cost yourself, if you’ll be asking for attendees to donate toward the cause, or if it will be a potluck style event.

Know Your Guests

Define the scope of the party. Decide if it will be certain families nearby, everyone on one side of the street, or the entire block. It’s essential that you know the ages of your guests. Waterslides are available in multiple heights. A 40-ft. waterslide is not appropriate for younger children. If a model is selected that deposits guests into an in-ground pool, it’s crucial to ascertain if everyone can swim or if a life vest will be needed for some guests.

Help is Essential

There are a lot of details to be considered, from food to flyers or if individual invitations will be issued. You’re going to need help to deal with invitations, RSVPs, how music will be provided and if someone will DJ, along with how food will be provided. Assign a person to handle each task and check back with them as needed to ensure success.

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