Tag Archives: south florida family fun

South Florida Zoos that won’t Disappoint

Animals and their behavior have fascinated humankind since the dawn of time. South Florida is home to a variety of extraordinary zoos that are sure to please anyone. They offer multiple ways in which visitors can interact with the animals, learn about them, and enjoy an outdoor outing. Some of the top zoos in South Florida include the following in no particular order.

Brevard Zoo

An aquarium, treetop treks of varying difficulty, zip lining, and animal encounters are all available to visitors. The zoo features over 900 species, is involved in conservation efforts, and operates a sea turtle healing center. Special encounters are conducted each day ranging from goats, giraffes and cheetahs to birds, dingoes, and stingrays.

Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society

The zoo is home to more than 550 animals and 190 species from every corner of the world ranging from koalas, lemurs and tigers to jaguars, avians and butterflies. Visitors can attend a variety of special events throughout the year or plan a special occasion at the zoo. Individuals can participate in a zoo camp, overnight adventures, animal encounters, and educational series.

Zoo Miami

This is the oldest and largest zoo in Florida and fifth largest in the U.S. There are over 3,000 animals that represent more than 500 species, 130 of which are endangered. The zoo has more than 1,000 species of trees and plants in more than 100 special exhibits. Visitors can feed the animals, learn through special presentations, and experience the zoo’s rides.

ZWF Miami

The award-winning Zoological Wildlife Foundation (ZWF) has been featured on TV, is open by appointment only, and offers field trips, animal interactions, and guided educational and photographic tours. Many of the zoo’s animals are endangered and of special interest are the white lion cub and jaguar cubs.

For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce house or waterslide rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/

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Ideas for Making Parenting Easier

When it comes to things like rewarding your kids, don’t make the mistake of not satisfying yourself. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs any person will undertake, why not make it as easy as possible? We at South Florida Bounce have some tips to help you do just that with these daily habits steering you in the right direction.

Tip 1.) No Yelling. When we make the mistake of yelling at our kids, we think our message will come across more efficiently. However, by speaking methodically and quietly, you become more powerful because your child will hear your communication rather than just the sound of screaming.

Tip 2.) Be Grateful for What You Have. Since kids are extremely impressionable, it only makes sense to make a good example. Teaching kids that you’re grateful for what you do have or the little things are invaluable and a must. Don’t forget to include them in your blessings by telling them each day how much you adore them.

Tip 3.) Don’t wait until the end of the week to do the laundry. Wash a load a day. It doesn’t cost you any more than when you do it all on the weekend. Save yourself time and money by doing one per day and see how much extra time you just added to your calendar.

Tip 4.) Tackle a massive task a day. Whether that means filing your taxes or cleaning the kid’s game room, many necessary evils are lurking. By taking each day and using your time efficiently, you will be more organized and will accomplish more than you can imagine. For instance, purging toys is always a daunting task. But, by not overlooking that task and tackling it before it gets out of control, you’ll be having an easier time. By the way, it always sucks picking up toys before company shows up, is never fun nor easy. Imagine how cool it would be not to have to worry because the deed was already done? Awesome!

Tip 5.) Plan a weekly menu and stick to it! As we all know, kids can be picky eaters. But, there’s plenty of benefits to having a list even when your son or daughter wants to have a party. Besides, there’s a lot of time management when you hear the words “I don’t like that” or “Ewww gross, I’m not eating that.” Sit down with your kids and show them recipes and pictures to get a good menu down.

By doing following these excellent tips, you’ll save time, money and will make your job as a parent much more comfortable.

For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/

Connect with us on Social Media at: 



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